METADATA INDEX                 fareast

The metadata files for these data sets can be found in this  directory in four formats: 
               .htm hypertext                found in directory   html
               .txt dos text                    found in directory   win
               .mac macintosh text        found in directory   mac
               .iso UNIX text               found in directory   unix

Click on the coverage name to view html metadata file

cit_3fe  Selected cities of the Far East

fld_3fe     Oil and gas field centerpoints of the Far East

geo_3fe     Generalized surficial geology of the Far East

grd_3fe  Latitude and longitude grid (2 x 2 degrees) of the Far East

prv_3fe     Geologic provinces of the Far East

geo_efe.shp     Generalized surficial geology of the Far East 
                                 (Shapefile for ArcExplorer)

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